Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday, June 22

Saturday´s half day clinic went great. The team was able to get their feet wet as they prepare for the next four days of 8:30 - 6:00 pm clinics. During the half day clinic the team saw 165 patients. Of those 165, 89 prayed a prayer to receive Christ as Lord and Savior!!!! The two week total of professions of faith is now at 3809!!! What an awesome God we serve. We are so blessed by the response of the people who up until now have not been very open to the message of Salvation. There is a Catholic church across the street from the clinic and they have asked for us to show the Jesus film tonight!!! Barry Lane will share his testimony and I am sure he will manage to work the Gospel into his time of sharing!!!! Pray for that meeting as we seek to build bridges with the community and share the hope that is found in a relationship Jesus Christ. All the team members are well and having a great time. The showers are cold but the fellowship is as warm as ever.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for the medical team. My thoughts are with you as well. I am enjoying getting to be with my family,but a part of me still longs to be there doing God's work. I have also realized that there is much work needed to be done here, and that is why God has brought me back.
With love in Christ,
Jen Gallo

Todd Pendergrass said...

Jen, Thank you for your prayers. The Lord is answering those prayers each second of each day. Thank you for loving Brazil and sacrificin the time from your family. Please tell them thank you for sharing wife and mom so others could here of the love of Jesus Christ. I hope the Lord will allow you to return.
In Christ,